Thank you for visiting my site.
I’ve always thought it would be fun to have a more open approach to my work. So much of what happens behind the scenes in creating articles, videos and other content can seem mysterious from the outside. Often it can be mysterious from the inside too.
Sharing some of that material and engaging in more informed conversations about both the content and how it is produced seems to me like a worthwhile goal. That is what this site aims to achieve.
Some posts will be articles and videos I’ve created under commission – they will be linked to the publications in question. But from reading and research to techniques and reflections on creating articles and projects, I’ll be sharing plenty of original content with you.
Please respect copyright but take all the inspiration and tips you need.
I’ve been a freelance writer and editor for over 25 years. I am Honorary Associate Professor in technology and critical theory in the Department of Engineering at the University of Nottingham.